AI-Powered Resilience: Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Mass Layoffs in the Digital Age

Suranjeet Chowdhury Avik,Abdullahi Chowdhury, Moriwam, MD Abdullah Al Maruf,Ranesh Naha, Imtiaz Ahammad

2024 Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ICETITE)(2024)

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In recent years, the technology sector has witnessed substantial disruptions, leading to major layoffs within toptier tech conglomerates. As the momentum of the digital age continues, there's an emerging concern regarding the psycho-logical impact of these layoffs on individual employees. This research delves deep into understanding the repercussions of these widespread job losses on mental health, emphasizing the increased intensity of symptoms like depression and anxiety. Utilizing the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) for its methodology, the study scrupulously evaluates the depth of these mental health symptoms before and subsequent to the implementation of AI-driven mental health solutions. The conclusive data robustly establishes that when AI-centric interventions are combined with holistic mental health practices, there's a marked reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms, particularly those originating from job-related insecurities. As the world grapples with the swift changes in employment dynamics in this digital age, the study accentuates the significance of AI. Tapping into its vast potential to enhance mental resilience can be seen as an avant-garde strategy, presenting a pragmatic way to address the looming mental health challenges arising from unpredictable economic transitions.
Depression,Artificial Intelligence,Layoffs
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