Targeting NTCP for liver disease treatment: A promising strategy

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis(2024)

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The sodium taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP), a bile acids transporter, has been identified as a new therapeutic target for the treatment of liver disease. This paper thoroughly investigates the function of NTCP for regulating bile acid regulation, its correlation with hepatitis B and D infections, and its association with various liver diseases. Additionally, in this review we examine recent breakthroughs in creating NTCP inhibitors and their prospective applications in liver disease treatment. While this review emphasizes the promising potential of targeting NTCP, it concurrently underscores the need for broader and more detailed research to fully understand the long-term implications and potential side effects associated with NTCP inhibition.
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Key words
NTCP,bile acids metabolism,NTCP inhibitor,viral hepatitis
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