Key breeding habitats of threatened golden eagles across Eastern Canada identified using a multi-level, multi-scale habitat selection approach

Landscape Ecology(2024)

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In a conservation context, identifying key habitats suitable for reproduction, foraging, or survival is a useful tool, yet challenging for species with large geographic distributions and/or living in remote regions. The objective of this study is to identify selected habitats at multiple levels and scales of the threatened eastern North American population of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). We studied habitat selection at three levels: landscape (second order of selection), foraging (third order of selection), and nesting (fourth order of selection). Using tracking data from 30 adults and 366 nest coordinates spanning over a 1.5 million km2 area in remote boreal and Arctic regions, we modelled the three levels of habitat selection with resource selection functions using seven environmental features (aerial, topographical, and land cover). We then calculated the relative probability of selection in the study area to identify regions with higher probabilities of selection. Eagles selected more for terrain ruggedness index and relative elevation than land cover (i.e., forest cover, distance to water; mean difference in relative selection strength: 1.2 [0.71; 1.69], 95
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Multi-level habitat selection,Multi-scale,Telemetry,Home range,Golden eagles
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