To Prioritize the Barriers to Logistical Operations for SMEs in Rural Areas Using AHP Analysis

Anand Jaiswal, Ashish Yadav,Swati Bhatnagar, Hemant Patidar, Vinaytosh Mishra

Advances in E-Business Research Revolutionizing Customer-Centric Banking Through ICT(2024)

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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in rural areas confront a multitude of logistical challenges that impede their growth and competitiveness. This research chapter employs a comprehensive mixed methods approach to prioritize and understand these barriers, ultimately aiming to provide valuable insights for stakeholders and policymakers. The study integrates the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for comparing and prioritizing criteria for uncovering causal relationships among factors, and bibliometric analysis to identify pivotal research studies in the field. In rural regions, SMEs often grapple with limited access to critical infrastructure and transportation networks, increased shipping costs, a scarcity of skilled labor, restricted access to technology, and inadequate information and support systems. These challenges collectively jeopardize the competitiveness of rural SMEs and necessitate a systematic examination. By using AHP, the study allows stakeholders to quantitatively assess and rank the significance of these barriers, aiding in the formulation of effective solutions. It contributes by revealing the interdependencies between various logistical challenges, shedding light on the root causes and effects. The incorporation of bibliometric analysis ensures that the research is grounded in the most influential and pertinent studies in the field.
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