Protection and Presentation of Cultural Landscape in the Case of Maglič Town

Marko Nikolić, Jelena Šćekić

Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean Vol. XVI (FORTMED2024)(2024)

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Medieval town of Maglič is located in the Republic of Serbia, on the right bank of the Ibar River, about 25km southwest of Kraljevo, on a narrow plateau of a rocky ridge which dominates the entire environment. According to historical sources, the town was built in the 14th century. A significant number of detected buildings which have largely been preserved testify on intensive building activities. The purpose of the work is to indicate, through the critical analysis and evaluation, the advantages and disadvantages of certain methods of protection and presentation of the remains, the integration of the old – new, but also to identify the elements which should be incorporated into the future attitude towards protection and presentation of medieval fortified towns in order to change and improve certain methods. New methods have to follow more consistently recent international charters and recommenda-tions, and should be based on contemporary trends in protection, revitalization and presentation, which is particularly reflected in more liberal application of new materials and new constructive structures in protection and reconstruction, application of modern technologies (3D animation) in the presentation of the sites and the like. The work will present pros and cons of various proposals for the reconstruction and revitalization of the medieval fortress of Maglič, which contains significant historical, cultural, natural and architectural values, which should be preserved and presented in an appropriate manner, as a unique cultural landscape. This research will be a significant contribution to the objective and critical analysis of the main modern methodological approaches and the achieved results in the sphere of protection, revitalization and presentation of the medieval fortress of Maglič, with the basic idea of preservation of the authenticity and integrity of the existing stone remains of the fortress, with accessibility and paths management which would allow safe movement of visitors. Future approaches to revitalization and presentation of Maglič and its surroundings have to be in accordance with the principles of revitalization, especially in the context of preserving the authenticity and integrity of the landscape, since a cultural landscape implies they are separate parts of the scenery highlighted as areas of specific interaction of man and nature, of which Maglič is also part. By the revitalization of the fortress, the town would acquire a symbol of recognition and unique area which would become the backbone of development of cultural tourism of the whole Republic of Serbia.
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