Simulating a Massive Shift towards Photovoltaics without Implying Land Consumption: A Stepwise Approach for Regional Decision Making


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As part of the transition to renewable energy production, the use of photovoltaics is not sustainable per se. Planning can guide PV development while minimising possible negative impacts on society, the economy, and the environment. To date, however, the lack of adequate tools and information at the local level and the lack of integrated planning in the design of energy initiatives are key challenges. This paper aims to support a sustainable energy transition at the regional level and proposes a methodology to (i) determine the area required to achieve transition goals through PV; (ii) evaluate possible alternative surface categories for PV installation without consuming additional land. Through the illustrative case study of the Veneto Region, electricity demand is calculated based on consumption data, and the area needed to cover this demand through PV is calculated. Areas available for PV installation were mapped, classified (e.g., roofs of houses, parking lots, school buildings, & mldr;), and quantified through GIS. The results show that the available areas correspond to 11 times those needed to achieve the goals. This work provides a methodology to support regional decision makers to take a concrete step toward sustainable transition policies. This methodology can be replicated for other regional contexts.
renewable energy production,photovoltaic systems,energy demand assessment,mapping,regional energy planning,decision-making support
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