The hunting stock and its use in the Republic of Srpska


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The Republic of Srpska covers an area of 25,035 km2 , with various types of climate. The variety of climate characteristics conditions the existence of diverse biocenosis that allowsexistenceof a fairly large number of species of flora and fauna. On the territory of the Republic of Srpska, the total number of hunting areas is 91. What everyone desires is to have the maximum capacity in hunting areas, i.e. to achieve the optimal number. In order to reach the desired objective, there has to berational and planned management at all levels. The catch must not be the goal, but the purpose should be safeguarding and realising the optimum number of animals in the hunting area. It is necessary to point out that only real gain in population can behunted. This will be achieved if the spring counting, as a measure of determining the parent fund, is maximally realistic. It is frequently the cause of unrealistic shooting that leads to disastrous consequences. Hunting management plans must take into account all the objective facts of the condition on the ground. The main planning document is "Hunting Development Programme of the Republic of Srpska for2010-2020" adopted by the Hunting Association of theRepublic of Srpska. Proper management and the implementation of planning documents can yield desired results, namely to have enough healthy game whose trophy value is high.
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hunting,forest management plans,biocoenosis,hunting grounds
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