Critical Care: What You May Have Missed in 2023.

Henry Ajzenberg, Mansor Abdalaziz N Binhashr,Mark Keith Hewitt,Michael Unger

Annals of internal medicine(2024)

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Critical care medicine is a specialty that brings together a truly wide spectrum of patient populations, disease states, and treatment methods. This article highlights 10 important pieces of research from 2023 (and 1 from 2022) in critical care. The literature was screened for new evidence relevant to internal medicine physicians and hospitalists whose focus of practice is not critical care but who may be taking care of seriously ill patients. The articles highlight the diverse spectrum of pathology and interplay of various specialties that go into critical care. Topics include transfusion medicine, fluid resuscitation, safe intubation practices and respiratory failure, and the management of acute ischemic stroke. Several trials are groundbreaking, forcing clinicians to reconsider preexisting dogma and likely adopt new treatment strategies.
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