Design and Research of an Oil - Water Detector with Array Electrode

Hang Zhou, Hongquan Zhang,Hui Wang,Huiming Xing, Kexin Zhao,Junchang Yu

2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Science (IC2ECS)(2023)

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With the rapid development of global shipping, the technological change and market demand of Marine detection sensors have changed greatly. The harsh environment of the sea is easy to make shipping ships suffer extremely dangerous accidents such as leakage of chemical liquids such as petroleum. In order to enhance the detection of oil leakage in the Marine field, a detector is designed which can detect the relative thickness of each liquid layer in the oil-water mixture. The main feature is that the measuring electrode is arranged in a fixed position to form an array and integrated with the inductance conductivity sensor. The structure is simulated and optimized by finite element analysis, and the corresponding measurement circuit is designed. The experimental results show that the detector designed in this paper can realize the stratified detection of mixed liquid and the analysis and calculation of the oil content, and meet the requirements of the detection of oil-water mixed liquid in the ocean.
oil leak detection,conductivity sensor,inductive sensor
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