FPGA-Based Design of Oil Debris Signal Processing System

Weijie Dai,Yanxue Wang

2023 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD)(2023)

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Rotating machinery and equipment in the bearings, transmission box and other important components in long-term operation, inevitably produce wear, the resulting wear particles will be in suspension in the oil, and accompanied by the oil from the lubricating oil pipe outflow. Usually analog circuits can be designed for signal modulation and demodulation to complete the detection of oil wear particles, but due to the noise of the electronic components themselves can not be avoided, the filtering effect achieved is not ideal. Based on this, this paper uses FPGA to design a set of oil debris particles digital circuit demodulation system. After experimental verification, the system can better complete the signal demodulation, the minimum can detect 200um iron particles. At the same time, due to the parallel computing characteristics of the hardware, the computational efficiency is improved, and can be used to develop a multi-channel real-time oil debris particle fault monitoring system later.
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Key words
FPGA,signal demodulation,low-pass filtering
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