Fault-Tolerant Control of Shield Propulsion Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic System Based on Static Control Allocation

Xuanyu Liu, Xunlei Cheng

2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Science (IC2ECS)(2023)

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In order to solve the displacement tracking and leveling problems faced by the shield machine during the propulsion process, a control strategy for the propulsion hydraulic system of the shield machine based on static distribution and slip mode control is proposed in the study for this objective. By establishing the mechanism model of the propulsion hydraulic system of the shield machine and designing a fault-tolerant controller for the multi-cylinder hydraulic system in combination with the slip mode control, the system is able to respond and adjust the output torque of the hydraulic cylinders in a timely manner to cope with possible failure situations. In addition, a MATLAB real-time simulation system is built for verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the control strategy is characterized by high precision control capability, fast response, and can effectively improve the control performance of the system.
shield,multi-cylinder hydraulic press,static distribution,sliding mode control
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