Design and Experiment of Variable-Spray System Based on Deep Learning

Zhitao He, Laiyu Ding,Jiangtao Ji,Xin Jin, Zihua Feng, Maochuan Hao

Applied Sciences(2024)

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In response to issues of the low pesticide-utilization rate caused by the traditional constant spraying method, a variable-spraying system for wheat-field weeds was proposed in this study based on real-time segmentation by deep learning. In this study, the weed density within the operational area was obtained by using the improved DeepLab V3+ semantic segmentation mode, and a variable spray-level model based on real-time weed density and speed was constructed by using PWM variable-spraying technology to adjust the spray volume. The lightweight MobileNet V2 network was selected as its backbone network, and the CA attention mechanism was integrated into the feature extraction module. The mean intersection over the union (MIoU) and mean pixel accuracy (MPA) of the improved DeepLab V3+ were 73.34% and 80.76%, respectively, and the segmentation time for a single image was 0.09 s. The results of field verification tests showed that (1) compared with constant spraying, variable spraying can increase droplet density and save the amount of pesticides, with the droplet density increased by 38.87 droplets/cm2 and the pesticide consumption saved by 46.3%; and (2) at the same speed, the average droplet-coverage rate in the areas with sparse weed density decreased by 13.98% compared with the areas with dense weeds. Under the same plant density, the average coverage rate of 0.5 m/s increased by 2.91% and 6.59% compared with 1 m/s and 1.5 m/s, respectively. These results further demonstrated that the system can automatically adjust the spray volume based on different travel speeds and weed densities. This research can provide theoretical and reference support for the development of new precision-spray plant-protection machinery for wheat fields.
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