Theoretical Modeling for UV Photoelectron Emission Yield of Spacecraft Surface Materials

Wenlong Xin,Xiaohan Hou, Shijin Wang,Qian Yu, Yali Guo, Yue Wang,Zicai Shen,Yu Chen,Jilong Peng

2023 International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD)(2023)

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The purpose of this paper is to introduce the research progress on the theoretical modeling for photoelectron emission yield (PEEY) of spacecraft surface materials. The article mainly introduces the development of PEEY theoretical models, including FD(Fowler-DuBridge) model, one-step model, TSM(Three-step model) IMC(Monte carlo) model based on three-step emission theory, MB(Moments-based) model and quantum model. Then we analyze and compare the research methods and applicable conditions of each model to sort out the developmental lineage of PEEY model.
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Spacecraft Surface Materials,Photoelectron Emission Yield (PEEY),Quantum Efficiency (QE),Theoretical Models,Three-step Emission Theory
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