Research on Data-Driven Integrated Environment Prediction Method for the Typical Cabin of Helicopter

He Li, Jianjun Zhang, Yun Fu, Yujun Hao, Jun Xu,Yong Zhong

2023 Global Reliability and Prognostics and Health Management Conference (PHM-Hangzhou)(2023)

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In order to accurately predict the microclimate environment induced in the cabin during helicopter parking, further support the design, verification and health monitoring of onboard equipment in the cabin. Based on the measured data of the natural environment and platform induced environment of a helicopter in the parking state, and considering the coupling change relationship between temperature, humidity and solar radiation, this paper proposed a comprehensive environmental synchronous prediction method of temperature, humidity and solar radiation intensity inside the helicopter cockpit and equipment cabin based on multiple linear regression and Elman neural network, and established a prediction model. It also predicted the cabin environment when it was serving in a certain place, and draws the high-temperature environment map. The results showed that the model had good prediction accuracy and could accurately characterize the relationship between the internal and external environment of the helicopter platform.
Helicopter,Comprehensive environment,Data-driven,Environmental prediction,Neural network
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