Precision and Accuracy of Single-Cell/Nuclei RNA Sequencing Data

Rujia Dai, Ming Zhang, Tianyao Chu,Richard Kopp, Chunling Zhang,Kefu Liu, Yue Wang,Xusheng Wang, Chao Chen,Chunyu Liu


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Single-cell/nuclei RNA sequencing (sc/snRNA-Seq) is widely used for profiling cell-type gene expressions in biomedical research. An important but underappreciated issue is the quality of sc/snRNA-Seq data that would impact the reliability of downstream analyses. Here we evaluated the precision and accuracy in 18 sc/snRNA-Seq datasets. The precision was assessed on data from human brain studies with a total of 3,483,905 cells from 297 individuals, by utilizing technical replicates. The accuracy was evaluated with sample-matched scRNA-Seq and pooled-cell RNA-Seq data of cultured mononuclear phagocytes from four species. The results revealed low precision and accuracy at the single-cell level across all evaluated data. Cell number and RNA quality were highlighted as two key factors determining the expression precision, accuracy, and reproducibility of differential expression analysis in sc/snRNA-Seq. This study underscores the necessity of sequencing enough high-quality cells per cell type per individual, preferably in the hundreds, to mitigate noise in expression quantification. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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