Quantifying Provincial In-use Stocks of Rare Earth to Identify Urban Mining Potentials in the Chinese Mainland

Journal of Cleaner Production(2024)

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Recycling of rare earth elements (REE) can help to offset the increasing demand for REE minerals and enhance the diversification of the REE supply chain. The development of low-carbon technologies, such as new energy vehicles and wind turbines has expedited the accumulation of REE as “urban mines”. This trend offers prospects for the progress of REE recycling initiatives targeting end-of-life products. This study conducts a dynamic material flow analysis (combined top-down and bottom-up method) of nine products containing NdFeB permanent magnets (their scrap is regarded as the most important secondary resource of rare earth) in the Chinese mainland at a provincial level to identify end-of-life products and provinces with high urban mining potentials. Results indicate that e-bikes, wind turbines, and air conditioners have the most significant REE recycling potentials in the Chinese mainland. Provinces with large populations and robust economies, such as Guangdong and Jiangsu, exhibit greater potential for REE recycling. This study illustrates significant provincial disparities in the end-of-life recycling potentials of REEs in the Chinese mainland and highlights the significance of provincial-level assessments of urban mining potential in the planning of the REE recycling industry.
Rare earth,NdFeB permanent magnets,Recycle,Dynamic MFA,urban mining
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