Amazon energy transition: The need to accelerate emission reduction by the extensive adoption of solar photovoltaics and storage in Brazil

Osvaldo Soliano Perreira, Tereza Mousinho Reis,Ricardo Rüther

Energy for Sustainable Development(2024)

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This article aims to compare the situation of greenhouse gases emissions due to the supply of electricity to the two Brazilian power generation systems: The National Interconnected System (SIN) and the Isolated Systems (SISOL). The former composes the national grid. The latter is composed of 212 isolated generation systems basically supplied by diesel.A plethora of reasons justify the different energy generation sources, either the rain forest or the so-far available technologies for remote areas, but the focus of this article are the energy policies adopted to push new technologies. The well succeeded policies adopted by Brazilian government to foster new renewable energy technologies since the beginning of this century in the SIN, now need to be adapted to a new moment of energy transition and new emerging technologies suitable to the SISOL, particularly solar photovoltaics and energy storage. Biofuels has succeeded to compete with fossil but can also be benefitted from policies to foster emerging technologies.Energy policy approaches to both power systems and results of consultation to key actors are analysed. Two recently approved regulations open space to advances on the decarbonization of the SISOL provided the success histories from the SIN and experiences of agents with emerging technologies are considered. These correspond to the suggestions and recommendations which close the article.
Solar energy,Energy storage,Decarbonization,Renewable energy policies,Hybrid systems,Amazon
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