“I felt so powerful to have this love in me”: A grounded theory analysis of the experiences of people living with and recovering from eating disorders while in diverse romantic relationships

Jaclyn A. Siegel,Rebecca R. Mendoza, Juliana M. Tesselaar, Jennifer DeJesus,Connor I. Elbe, Nicolas S. Caravelli, Lynae Troy, Margo Fenton, Brianna Victoria, Justice Herrera,Aaron J. Blashill

Body Image(2024)

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Romantic partners have the potential to influence attitudes and behaviors related to body image and disordered eating. However, the role that romantic relationships can play in eating disorder (ED) recovery has not been comprehensively investigated. The present study aimed to explore the ways that people living with and recovering from EDs experience their romantic relationships, with the specific objective of developing a novel theoretical framework, grounded in the experiences of people in diverse romantic relationships, to guide future research on the topic. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 66 people (45 cisgender women, 11 cisgender men, 9 nonbinary people, and 1 transgender man) living with and recovering from EDs while in romantic relationships. Our grounded theory analysis yielded a theoretical model of ED management in romantic relationships, revealing that Individual and Relationship Characteristics intersected with Relationship-Related Stressors and were navigated using Eating Disorder and Relationship Management Strategies. Combined with Partner Support and Tensions, these management strategies were related to Relationship and Mental Health Outcomes, which affected and were affected by Future Concerns. Future researchers should continue to build on, expand, and modify this model and further explore the role of romantic relationships in the experience of people living with EDs.
Eating disorders,Body image,Recovery,Romantic relationships,Romantic partners
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