Simulation and parameter optimization of 6-dimensional phase space injection scheme based on HAIF-BRing

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2024)

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In high-intensity heavy ion synchrotrons such as HIAF-BRing, mitigating vacuum degradation and consequent beam lifetime reduction caused by injected beam losses remain a key challenge. BRing aims to inject particles on the order of 1011 with a beam loss not exceeding 5% when the collimation system is inactive. This paper introduces a 6-dimensional phase space painting injection (6-D injection) scheme designed to address both the high intensity and low loss challenges. To optimize numerous parameters in the injection schemes, a multi-parameter optimized injection model is constructed. The simulation example without space charge confirms the feasibility of the model, demonstrating the advantage of 6-D injection over multi-turn injection and two-plane painting injection. Subsequent simulations implement multi-parameter optimization under space charge, resulting in a 6-D injection scheme with a beam loss rate of 4%, meeting the desired performance requirements.
BRing,6-D phase space painting injection,Multi-parameter optimization,ORBIT code improvements,Universal matching formulas
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