Decade-long Ozone Profile Record from Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler: Assessment of Version 2.6 Data

Natalya A Kramarova,Philippe Xu, Jungbin Mok,Pawan Bhartia,Glen Jaross, Leslie Moy,Zhong Chen,Stacey M Frith,Matthew Todd DeLand, Daniel Kahn, Gordon Jay Labow, Jason Li, Ernest Nyaku, Clark Weaver,Jerald R. Ziemke,Sean M. Davis, Yue Jia


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We evaluate a decadal ozone profile record derived from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Limb Profiler (LP) satellite instrument. In 2023, the OMPS LP data were re-processed with the new version 2.6 retrieval algorithm that combines measurements from the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) parts of the spectra and employs the second order Tikhonov regularization to retrieve a single vertical ozone profile between 12.5 km (or cloud tops) and 57.5 km with the vertical resolution of about 1.9 - 2.5 km between 20-55 km. The algorithm uses radiances measured at six UV ozone-sensitive wavelengths (295, 302, 306, 312, 317 and 322 nm) paired with 353 nm, and one VIS wavelength at 606 nm combined with 510 nm and 675 nm to form a triplet. Each wavelength pair or triplet is used over a limited range of tangent altitudes where the sensitivity to ozone changes are strongest. A new implemented aerosol correction scheme is based on a gamma-function particle size distribution. Numerous calibration changes that affected ozone retrievals were also applied to measured LP radiances, including updates in altitude registration, radiometric calibration, stray light, and spectral registration. The key version 2.6 improvement is the reduction in relative drifts between LP ozone and correlative measurements, linked previously to a drift in the version 2.5 LP altitude registration. We compare LP ozone profiles with those from Aura Microwave Limb Sensor (MLS) to quantify ozone changes in version 2.6.
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