Beyond the Cold: Activating Brown Adipose Tissue as an Approach to Combat Obesity

Cristina Elena Negroiu, Iulia Tudorascu, Cristina Maria Bezna, Sanziana Godeanu, Marina Diaconu, Raluca Danoiu,Suzana Danoiu


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With a dramatic increase in the number of obese and overweight people, there is a great need for new anti-obesity therapies. With the discovery of the functionality of brown adipose tissue in adults and the observation of beige fat cells among white fat cells, scientists are looking for substances and methods to increase the activity of these cells. We aimed to describe how scientists have concluded that brown adipose tissue is also present and active in adults, to describe where in the human body these deposits of brown adipose tissue are, to summarize the origin of both brown fat cells and beige fat cells, and, last but not least, to list some of the substances and methods classified as BAT promotion agents with their benefits and side effects. We summarized these findings based on the original literature and reviews in the field, emphasizing the discovery, function, and origins of brown adipose tissue, BAT promotion agents, and batokines. Only studies written in English and with a satisfying rating were identified from electronic searches of PubMed.
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Key words
brown adipose tissue,obesity,browning agent,beige fat cell,FGF21
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