Trends in Reporting of Nuchal Translucency Measurements After the Clinical Introduction of Cell-Free DNA Screening.

Timothy Wen, Loralei L Thornburg, Mary E Norton, Lawrence D Platt, Lorraine Dugoff, Ashley Hesson, Jean L Spitz, Gregory Toland, Bryann Bromley, Nuchal Translucency Quality Review Program of the Perinatal Quality Foundation

Obstetrics and gynecology(2024)

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Nuchal translucency (NT) measurement in conjunction with serum analytes has been used for first-trimester aneuploidy screening in the United States since 2005. We sought to analyze the trends in reporting of NT measurements to the Nuchal Translucency Quality Review program in all pregnancies beginning after the clinical introduction of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening for fetal aneuploidy in 2011. Overall, reported NT measurements decreased 74.3% from 2012 to 2022. A similar decline was noted among individuals with pregnancies at increased risk for aneuploidy based on patient age and twin gestations. The decrease in reporting aligns temporally with the availability of cfDNA screening and the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
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