Application of the PSI-CoCoSo Hybrid Method in the Choice of Light Fleet Supplier for a Logistics Distribution Center

Francisco de Assis de Sousa, Enderson Luiz Pereira,Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes,Marcos dos Santos, Marcos Paulo Rosa Lima da Silva

2024 5th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI)(2024)

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The decision-making process in corporate environments presents itself as an extremely complex task. The Logistics area provides its decision-makers with countless possibilities and challenges every day, thus making it an area with a dynamic and complex environment. In this context, the participation of multiple decision-makers is common, in order to obtain a more assertive result of the decisions to be made. In this work, a case study was conducted based on the strategic evaluation of a Food Distribution company for the choice of the best transporter of light truck fleet vehicles for the distribution center, aiming at its implementation within the scope of logistics and distribution operations with a focus on the operations of Contracting and Management of Fleet Suppliers. To this end, interviews and brainstorming were conducted with decision-makers in the area of management and hiring of third parties who work in the operations. Based on the information, nine carriers were selected as alternatives, which make up the company's registry of service providers, which were evaluated by the decision-makers in the light of six different criteria, through the application of the PSICoCoSo Hybrid method, where its web versions were used as a support tool in the decision-making process. The initial results showed a weighting of weights with the application of the PSI Method, as proposed by the methodology of the Methodology. It should be noted that the results are in line with the company's current situation and perspective, where the alternatives that presented the best performances in the ranking are being appreciated and explored by the company.
Logistics,Multicriteria Decision Method (MCDM),Preference Selection Index (PSI),Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo)
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