Lectins as the prominent potential to deliver bioactive metal nanoparticles by recognizing cell surface glycans


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Lectins are renowned for recognizing specific carbohydrates, but there is evidence that they can bind to other endogenous ligands. Therefore, lectin can be used as a carrier to recognize glycoconjugates on the cell surface. The anticancer, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory properties of some lectins are established. Metal nanoparticles (MNPs) have been used in various fields recently, but their documented toxicity has raised questions about their suitability for biomedical uses. The advantages of MNPs can be realized if we deliver the NPs to the site of action; as a result, NPs may achieve greater therapeutic efficiency at lower doses with less toxicity. The use of carbohydrate specificity by lectin MNPs conjugates for diagnostics and therapeutics was addressed. The review summarised the multidimensional application of lectins and described their potential for delivery of MNPs in future drug development.
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Lectins,Metal Nanoparticles,anticancer,antimicrobial,drug delivery
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