Never-Ending Learning for Explainable Brain Computing


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Exploring the nature of human intelligence and behavior is a longstanding pursuit in cognitive neuroscience, driven by the accumulation of knowledge, information, and data across various studies. However, achieving a unified and transparent interpretation of findings presents formidable challenges. In response, an explainable brain computing framework is proposed that employs the never-ending learning paradigm, integrating evidence combination and fusion computing within a Knowledge-Information-Data (KID) architecture. The framework supports continuous brain cognition investigation, utilizing joint knowledge-driven forward inference and data-driven reverse inference, bolstered by the pre-trained language modeling techniques and the human-in-the-loop mechanisms. In particular, it incorporates internal evidence learning through multi-task functional neuroimaging analyses and external evidence learning via topic modeling of published neuroimaging studies, all of which involve human interactions at different stages. Based on two case studies, the intricate uncertainty surrounding brain localization in human reasoning is revealed. The present study also highlights the potential of systematization to advance explainable brain computing, offering a finer-grained understanding of brain activity patterns related to human intelligence. To advance the understanding of human intelligence, this study presents an explainable brain computing framework in a scalable never-ending learning paradigm with human-in-the-loop. Integrated units manage interaction, learning, and resources for systematic research across diverse knowledge, information, and data sources. Case studies validate the causal and uncertain effects of brain localizations on high-order cognition. image
evidence combination and fusion computing,explainable brain computing,functional neuroimaging,high-order brain cognition,human-in-the-loop,never-ending learning,thinking and reasoning
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