Experimental study and application on a novel skin energy harvesting and storage system

Journal of Energy Storage(2024)

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Here, we propose using human skin as a friction material to fabricate a novel skin energy harvesting and storage system (Skin-EHSS), which can convert and store biomechanical energy when the body contacts any object into electric energy. We further propose to use the body as the conductive channel to transmit the harvested electricity to power wireless sensor system. This Skin-EHSS does not require a specifically-designed device structure and any additional friction materials but those common objects such as cloths, table etc. to harvest energy through daily activities. Results shown that the combination of the Skin-EHSS and the innovative electronic switch enabled successfully harvesting of biomechanical energy and fully self-powered wireless sensor system. The instantaneous peak output voltage and power generated by the Skin-EHSS could range from several volts to over 450 V and from a few μW to several mW, depending on the contacting objects. It was able to power a wearable wireless sensor system and transmit sensing information to a mobile terminal every 4 min. Furthermore, the Skin-EHSS was used as a sensor to detect electrostatic status of cloths and assess performance of a boxing athlete. This work demonstrated that the Skin-EHSS has a good application prospect for self-powered wearable wireless sensor systems.
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Key words
Skin-EHSS,Electronic switch,Self-powered wireless sensor,Wearable electronics
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