The Role of Industry 4.0 Technology in Enhancing Small Medium-Sized Enterprises Stability and Growth.


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The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze what has been done by previous studies in knowing the problems faced by SMEs today and how the influence of Industry 4.0 technology in dealing with problems in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), so that they become developed and can maintain their business continuity. Most studies show that SMEs have considerable barriers when trying to use the potential of Industry 4.0 to improve the competitiveness and long-term sustain ability of their business. This systematic literature review uses the Kitchenham technique to identify SME problems and the role of Industry 4.0 technologies in SMEs in various industrialized and developing countries. Through several databases including: IEEE, Science Direct, Web of Science, Taylor & Francis, Emerald and Springer between 2019 - 2023 were used to find relevant research articles in this study. The research findings offer valuable perspectives on the strategies, obstacles and prospects that SMEs in different countries face in adjusting to Industry 4.0. The contribution of academics in this research is to provide solutions by designing more robust approaches to promote the business sustainability of SMEs and their role in driving economic progress in their countries.
Industry 4.0,SMEs,Sustainability,Systematic Review
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