Controlling Virtual Try-on Pipeline Through Rendering Policies.

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision(2024)

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This paper shows how to impose rendering policies on a virtual try-on (VTON) pipeline. Our rendering policies are lightweight procedural descriptions of how the pipeline should render outfits or render particular types of garments. Our policies are procedural expressions describing offsets to the control points for each set of garment types. The policies are easily authored and are generalizable to any outfit composed of garments of similar types. We describe a VTON pipeline that accepts our policies to modify garment drapes and produce high-quality try-on images with garment attributes preserved.Layered outfits are a particular challenge to VTON systems because learning to coordinate warps between multiple garments so that nothing sticks out is difficult. Our rendering policies offer a lightweight and effective procedure to achieve this coordination, while also allowing precise manipulation of drape. Drape describes the way in which a garment is worn (for example, a shirt could be tucked or untucked).Quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate that our method allows effective manipulation of drape and produces significant measurable improvements in rendering quality for complicated layering interactions.
Applications,Visualization,Applications,Arts / games / social media,Applications,Commercial / retail
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