A Review of Face Processing for Telehealth: Research Survey of Remote Visual Photoplethysmography (rvPPG)

Hilmi Demirhan,Karl Ricanek

2023 Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE)(2023)

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This paper will focus on an in-depth survey of commercial and open source resources for face processing for telehealth using Remote Visual Photoplethysmography (rvPPG). We can use Remote Visual Photoplethysmography (rvPPG) as a tool to monitor vital health signs and use its results to observe health conditions. There is a growing demand for non-invasive remote (tele-services) patient care information technology solutions. Advancement in the area of machine learning and deep learning especially as it relates to computer vision made it possible to predict various vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation from pixel changes in recorded or live video feeds of human skin. In this review, we have included thirteen novel methods that have significant contributions, twelve open source public datasets, fifteen open source tools and eleven commercial tools for literature review. We also discovered that there is an opportunity for the transferal of rvPPG methods from academia to industry to aid face processing for telehealth software development and maintenance.
rvPPG,telehealth,telemedicine,artificial intelligence,computer vision
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