Equation of State of Hot Neutron Star Matter using Finite Range Simple Effective Interaction

T. R. Routray, S. Sahoo, X. Viñas, D. N. Basu, M. Centelles


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The equation of state of hot neutron star matter of n+p+e+μ composition in β-equilibrium is studied for both neutrino-free isothermal and neutrino-trapped isentropic conditions, using the formalism where the thermal evolution is built upon its zero-temperature predictions in a self-consistent manner. The accuracy of the parabolic approximation, often used in the finite temperature calculation of hot neutron star matter, is verified by comparing with the results obtained from the exact evaluation in the neutrino-free neutron star matter. The equation of state of neutrino-trapped isentropic matter at low entropic condition, relevant to the core-collapsing supernovae, is formulated. In the isentropic matter, the particle fractions and equation of state have marginal variance as entropy per particle varies between 1 to 3 (in the unit of k_B), but the temperature profile shows marked variation. The isentropes are found to be much less sensitive to the nuclear matter incompressibility, but have a large dependence on the slope parameter L. The bulk properties of the neutron stars predicted by the isentropic equation of state for different entropy are calculated. A model calculation for the early stage evolution of the protoneutron star to neutron star configuration is also given.
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