Nonlinear stochastic equations with calculable steady states


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We consider generalizations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation that accommodate spatial anisotropies and the coupled evolution of several fields, and focus on their symmetries and nonperturbative properties. In particular, we derive generalized fluctuation-dissipation conditions on the form of the (nonlinear) equations for the realization of a Gaussian probability density of the fields in the steady state. For the amorphous growth of a single height field in one dimension we give a general class of equations with exactly calculable (Gaussian and more complicated) steady states. In two dimensions, we show that any anisotropic system evolves in long time and length scales either to the usual isotropic strong coupling regime or to a linearlike fixed point associated with a hidden symmetry. Similar results are derived for textural growth equations that couple the height field with additional order parameters which fluctuate on the growing surface. In this context, we propose phenomenological equations for the growth of a crystalline material, where the height field interacts with lattice distortions, and identify two special cases that obtain Gaussian steady states. In the first case compression modes influence growth and are advected by height fluctuations, while in the second case it is the density of dislocations that couples with the height.
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Key words
nonlinear stochastic equations,stochastic equations
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