360 Degrees Endoscopic Access to and Through the Orbit.

Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery(2024)

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The treatment of pathologies located within and surrounding the orbit poses considerable surgical challenges, due to the intricate presence of critical neurovascular structures in such deep, confined spaces. Historically, transcranial and craniofacial approaches have been widely employed to deal with orbital pathologies. However, recent decades have witnessed the emergence of minimally invasive techniques aimed at reducing morbidity. Among these techniques are the endoscopic endonasal approach and the subsequently developed endoscopic transorbital approach (ETOA), encompassing both endonasal and transpalpebral approaches. These innovative methods not only facilitate the management of intraorbital lesions but also offer access to deep-seated lesions within the anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossa via specific transorbital and endonasal corridors. Contemporary research indicates that ETOAs have demonstrated exceptional outcomes in terms of morbidity rates, cosmetic results, and complication rates. This study aims to provide a comprehensive description of endoscopic-assisted techniques that enable a 360° access to the orbit and its surrounding regions. The investigation will delve into indications, advantages, and limitations associated with different approaches, while also drawing comparisons between endoscopic approaches and traditional microsurgical transcranial approaches.
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