Peptide and Protein Stereocomplexes


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Stereocomplexation in peptides and proteins is a fascinating phenomenon arising from their inherent stereoisomerism. Peptides and proteins, with their three-dimensional helical structures, exhibit stereoselectivity and form intertwined complexes when complementary left- and right-handed structures are mixed together. Stereocomplexation provides an unprecedented opportunity to impart some valuable biological, chemical, and physical properties in peptide and protein polymeric platforms that can be employed in various applications such as catalysis and drug delivery and to improve the stability of these therapeutics. However, exploration of stereocomplexation in peptides and proteins remains limited. We report on a comprehensive understanding of stereocomplexation in peptides and proteins, compiling existing reports, discussing its implications, and highlighting its role in different applications, aiming to inspire further research and advancements in this direction.
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