Trauma Registry: Trauma Quality indicators analysis in hospitalized patients.

Luca Giovanni Antonio Pivetta, Pedro DE Souza Lucarelli Antunes, Giovanna Mennitti Shimoda,José Gustavo Parreira, Jacqueline Arantes Gianninni Perlingeiro,Jose Cesar Assef

Revista do Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes(2024)

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PURPOSE:to consolidate a Trauma Register (TR) trough REDCap data acquisition platform and to validate, in this context, local Quality Indicators (QI) as improvement opportunities in trauma management. METHODS:continuous data acquisition of all patients admitted in Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo adult Trauma bay and it's validation in REDCap platform; 6 months retrospective cohort of QI impact in length of hospitalar stay, complications and mortality. Fisher, Chi-squared, Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to correlate QIs fails with the endpoints, considering p<0.05 and CI <95% as statically significant. RESULTS:465 were admitted in Trauma bay, with 137 patients hospitalized (29.5%); the number of QIs compromised were related with more complications (p=0.075) and increased length of stay (p=0.028), especially the delay in open fracture's surgical management, which increased the severe complications' incidence (p=0.005). CONCLUSION:the REDCap data acquisition platform is useful as a tool for multi center TR implementation, from ethical and logistical point of view; nevertheless, the proposed QIs are validated as attention points in trauma management, allowing improvements in traumatized patients treatment.
Traumatology,Trauma Severity Indices,Quality of Health Care
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