A novel single kernel parallel image encryption scheme based on a chaotic map

Joao Inacio Moreira Bezerra, Vinícius Valduga de Almeida Camargo, Rafael Iankowski Soares,Alexandre Molter, Gustavo Machado


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Abstract The development of communication technologies has increased concerns about data security, increasing the prominence of cryptography. Images are one of the most widely shared data, and chaotic ciphers arouse significant interest from researchers, as traditional ciphers are optimized for text encryption. Chaotic encryption schemes perform well for low-quality images, however, they are not fast enough for real-time encryption of Full Ultra HD images. Hence, a novel cipher to be executed in GPU architectures is proposed, where the encryption procedure consists of a single kernel, making it different from previous chaotic works and also from the AES. This enables our work to achieve a throughput of 130.8 GB/s on a GeForce RTX3070 and 251.6 GB/s on a Tesla V100 GPU, an increase of 37\% compared to the AES, and 43 times higher than the previously high for chaotic ciphers. The cipher's security is also verified regarding multiple forms of attacks.
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