Analyzing the changing trend of corneal biomechanical properties under different influencing factors in T2DM patients

Juan Tang,Zhiwu Lin,Xingde Liu, Biao Li, Xiaoli Wu,Jing Lv, Xing Qi, Sheng Lin,Chuanqiang Dai,Tao Li


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To analyze the changing trend of CH and CRF values under different influencing factors in T2DM patients. A total of 650 patients with T2DM were included. We discovered that the course of T2DM, smoking history, BMI, and FBG, DR, HbA1c, TC, TG, and LDL-C levels were common risk factors for T2DM, while HDL-C levels were a protective factor. Analyzing the CH and CRF values according to the course of diabetes, we discovered that as T2DM continued to persist, the values of CH and CRF gradually decreased. Moreover, with the increase in FBG levels and the accumulation of HbA1c, the values of CH and CRF gradually decreased. In addition, in patients with HbA1c (%) > 12, the values of CH and CRF decreased the most, falling by 1.85 +/- 0.33 mmHg and 1.28 +/- 0.69 mmHg, respectively. Compared with the non-DR group, the CH and CRF values gradually decreased in the mild-NPDR, moderate-NPDR, severe-NPDR and PDR groups, with the lowest CH and CRF values in the PDR group. In patients with T2DM, early measurement of corneal biomechanical properties to evaluate the change trend of CH and CRF values in different situations will help to identify and prevent diabetic keratopathy in a timely manner.
T2DM,Corneal hysteresis,Corneal resistance factor,Ocular response analyzer,Diabetic keratopathy
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