Charge distribution studies in the epi-cadmium neutron induced fission of 238Pu

Applied Radiation and Isotopes(2024)

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Studies on charge distribution have been carried out in the epi-cadmium neutron induced fission of 238Pu for the first time. Experimentally fractional cumulative yields (FCY) and independent yields (IY) of various fission products have been measured by using an off-line γ-ray spectrometric technique. From the FCY values, the charge distribution parameters such as the isobaric width parameter (σZ), most probable charge (ZP) and the charge polarization (ΔΖEXPT) as a function of fragment mass were obtained. On the other hand, from the measured IY values, isotopic width parameter (σA), the most probable mass (AP) and the elemental yields (YZ) of Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce and Pr were determined by using a non-linear fit. From the YZ values, the proton even-odd effect (δp) was obtained for the first time. The isobaric and isotopic charge distribution parameters in the 238Pu(nf, f) reaction were compared with the similar data in the thermal neutron induced fission of 238Pu and other actinides to examine the role of excitation energy.
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