Abstracts BMAS Summer School 2023-2nd Bone Marrow Adiposity Society Summer School Meeting 2023.

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences(2024)

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Fat is the main component of an adult bone marrow and constitutes the so-called bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT). Marrow adipocytes, which are the fat cells in the bone marrow, become more abundant with age, and may influence the whole-body metabolism. In osteoporotic patients, the amount of BMAT has an inverse correlation with the amount of bone mass. In people with anorexia nervosa that lose weight after the reduction of peripheral adipose tissues, BMAT expands. Although bone marrow adipocytes are increasingly recognized as a target for therapy, there is still much to learn about their role in skeletal homeostasis, metabolism, cancer, and regenerative treatments. The Bone Marrow Adiposity Society (BMAS), established in 2017, aims to enhance the understanding of how BMAT relates to bone health, cancer, and systemic metabolism. BMAS is committed to training young scientists and organized the second edition of the BMAS Summer School, held on September 4-6, 2023, as a virtual event.
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