PhenoMultiOmics: an enzymatic reaction inferred multi-omics network visualization web server


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Enzymatic reactions play a pivotal role in regulating cellular processes with a high degree of specificity to biological functions. When enzymatic reactions are disrupted by gene, protein, or metabolite dysfunctions in diseases, it becomes crucial to visualize the resulting perturbed enzymatic reaction-induced multi-omics network. Multi-omics network visualization aids in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the functionality and regulatory mechanisms within biological systems. In this study, we designed PhenoMultiOmics, an enzymatic reaction-based multi-omics web server designed to explore the scope of the multi-omics network across various cancer types. We first curated the PhenoMultiOmics Database (PMODB), which enables the retrieval of cancer-gene-protein-metabolite relationships based on the enzymatic reactions. We then developed the MultiOmics network visualization module to depict the interplay between genes, proteins, and metabolites in response to specific cancer-related enzymatic reactions. The biomarker discovery module facilitates functional analysis through differential omic feature expression and pathway enrichment analysis. PhenoMultiOmics has been applied to analyze transcriptomics data of gastric cancer and metabolomics data of lung cancer, providing insights into interrupted enzymatic reactions and the associated multi-omics network. PhenoMultiOmics is freely accessed at with a user-friendly and interactive web interface. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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