Indian Economic Development: The Impact of Digitalization and Financial Technologies

Rahul Singh Gautam,Shailesh Rastogi, Swapnilsingh Thakur, Hitesh Datta Patole, Vishwanath Narayan Revankar,Prashant Barge

2023 IEEE International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (ICTE)(2023)

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The current research focuses on financial technology’s and digitization’s effects on rural sustainable development, and the rural sector is playing a very important role to increase sustainable growth in India. Also, this investigation looked at secondary data from 29 Indian states and two union territories during three fiscal years, from 2018 to 2020. In this study, panel data analysis is used to evaluate the hypothesis (PDA). Hence, financial technology and digitalization have a good effect on rural development in India. The financial technology and digitalization of the rural sector of India are playing a vital role in economic development in India. Thus, extension plans should integrate the public, corporate, and non-governmental (NGOs) sectors in order to promote and execute FPOs. Governmental organizations ought to support the creation and administration of FPOs. For FPOs to boost agricultural profitability by assisting farmers in obtaining more consumer rupees, extension workers should possess facilitation abilities.
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