Flow Channel with Wrinkles and Calcium Sites in a Ca-MOF for Direct One-Step Ethylene Purification from C2 Gases and MTO Products Separation.

Haitian Zhao, Suer Guo, Xin Chen, Junyang Jiang,Su Wang, Hao Zhang,Yu Wang, Xingge He, Meng Chen,Wei Wang, Shangyu Wang,Penghui Liu,Hong Dai,Mingxing Zhang

Inorganic chemistry(2024)

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The strategy of flow channel with wrinkles and calcium sites for single-step C2H4 purification from C2 gases and methanol-to-olefins (MTO) products separation was realized in FJI-Y9. The adsorption amounts showed a total reversal order of C3H6 > C2H6 > C2H2 > C2H4 at 298 K. Modeling indicated that the wrinkles and Ca2+ facilitated the full contact of C3H6 and C2H6. Breakthrough experiments illustrated that FJI-Y9 could yield pure C2H4 in a single step with a productivity of 0.78 mmol g-1. In a lone adsorption/desorption cycle for MTO product separation, the productivities of C3H6 and C2H4 were 1.96 and 1.29 mol g-1, standing as the highest recorded values.
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