Malaria Therapeutic Paradigm: An Evolution Towards Commercial Drug Delivery Technology

Alka Kumari,Neha Bajwa

Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases(2024)

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Malaria and other parasitic infections pose serious health risks to millions of people worldwide each year. Oral medication is a crucial component in a multi-prolonged approach to effectively managing malaria. The use of oral antimalarial medications is essential for both treating and preventing malaria. They are essential because of their effectiveness in focusing on the different phases involved in the life cycle of malarial parasite which is taking place inside the human body. Oral drugs work against Plasmodium in many ways, from quickly eliminating active parasites to completely eliminating latent versions that are stored in the liver. While lowering the possibility of medication resistance, the introduction of combination medicines, such artemisinin-based combination medicines (ACTs), has greatly improved treatment efficacy. But there are still issues, such as drug-resistant forms of the malaria parasite emerging, which emphasizes the need for continued investigation and the creation of novel oral treatments. Furthermore, maintaining access to these drugs continues to be a major challenge in the fight against malaria, especially in areas with low resources. To sum up, oral therapy is an essential component involved in the treatment of parasitic diseases like malaria. In order to lessen the impact of these diseases worldwide and eventually move towards their eradication, it is imperative that technology continues to be innovative, accessible, and integrated into complete healthcare programmes. WHO advised in October 2021 that individuals in places with risk of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) transmission should start receiving the different dosage of vaccine because of its great safety profile and high effect. By concentrating on the parasite’s sporozoite stage and blocking its ability to enter the liver, the RTS, S vaccine seeks to develop protection against P. falciparum. In general, vaccines are challenged by the possibility of resistant strains emerging, affecting their vaccination effectiveness if the parasite experiences genetic alterations that enable it to avoid the immunological response that the vaccine triggers. Malaria is efficiently managed with a multi-prolonged strategy that includes oral treatment. Because oral antimalarial drugs effectively target many stages of the malarial parasite life cycle inside the human body, their usage is crucial for treating and preventing malaria. In this study, we are going to discuss about the seminal delivery systems for drug which are in lab, market, and clinical trials for treatment of malaria. Also, we focused on the commercial and conventional drug delivery systems which can be more effective and the challenges behind their success.
Bioisotere,Drug delivery systems,Malaria,Oral therapy,RTS,S vaccine
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