An integrated approach to cybersecurity and cybercrime investigation of critical infrastructure through a ransomware incident monitoring system

Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique(2023)

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In today's rapidly growing digitalised world, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in protecting national security, the economy and public welfare. Critical infrastructure, such as energy, transport, financial services and healthcare, is particularly vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, including ransomware. Our proposed integrated approach to strengthening cybersecurity and investigating cybercrime in these sectors emphasises the importance of an incident monitoring system. It relies on three key pillars: the development of advanced monitoring systems that incorporate artificial intelligence to rapidly detect and analyse threats; in-depth comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities; and active interagency cooperation for coordinated incident response. A detailed look at the technical aspects of the monitoring system, including its architecture and machine learning algorithms, highlights its ability to predict and detect cyber threats in real time. It also discusses the legal and ethical dimensions of data collection and processing, which are critical to ensuring privacy and trust. By analysing real-life cases, we demonstrate how an integrated approach can significantly improve cybersecurity by ensuring effective detection, rapid response and neutralisation of cyber threats. Special attention is paid to successful cases of detecting and blocking attacks, which emphasises the importance of a comprehensive approach to protecting critical infrastructure. In the final part of the article, we consider the prospects for the development of critical infrastructure cybersecurity, focusing on the need for continuous technology upgrades, improved risk assessment methods, and expanded interagency and international cooperation. The importance of adapting to the changing cyber landscape and implementing innovative solutions to strengthen resilience in the face of emerging threats is emphasised. This article makes a significant contribution to the development of integrated cybersecurity strategies, emphasising that the combination of advanced monitoring technologies, in-depth risk assessment and strong interagency cooperation can significantly increase society's ability to effectively counter cyber threats and ensure the security of critical infrastructure.
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