Universal Time-Entanglement Trade-off in Open Quantum Systems


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We demonstrate a surprising connection between pure steady state entanglement and relaxation timescales in an extremely broad class of Markovian open systems, where two (possibly many-body) systems A and B interact locally with a common dissipative environment. This setup also encompases a broad class of adaptive quantum dynamics based on continuous measurement and feedback. As steady state entanglement increases, there is generically an emergent strong symmetry that leads to a dynamical slow down. Using this we can prove rigorous bounds on relaxation times set by steady state entanglement. We also find that this time must necessarily diverge for maximal entanglement. To test our bound, we consider the dynamics of a random ensemble of local Lindbladians that support pure steady states, finding that the bound does an excellent job of predicting how the dissipative gap varies with the amount of entanglement. Our work provides general insights into how dynamics and entanglement are connected in open systems, and has specific relevance to quantum reservoir engineering.
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