Collage theorems, invertibility and fractal functions


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Collage Theorem provides a bound for the distance between an element of a given space and a fixed point of a self-map on that space, in terms of the distance between the point and its image. We give in this paper some results of Collage type for Reich mutual contractions in b-metric and strong b-metric spaces. We give upper and lower bounds for this distance, in terms of the constants of the inequality involved in the definition of the contractivity. Reich maps contain the classical Banach contractions as particular cases, as well as the maps of Kannan type, and the results obtained are very general. The middle part of the article is devoted to the invertibility of linear operators. In particular we provide criteria for invertibility of operators acting on quasi-normed spaces. Our aim is the extension of the Casazza-Christensen type conditions for the existence of inverse of a linear map defined on a quasi-Banach space, using different procedures. The results involve either a single map or two operators. The latter case provides a link between the properties of both mappings. The last part of the article is devoted to study the construction of fractal curves in Bochner spaces, initiated by the first author in a previous paper. The objective is the definition of fractal curves valued on Banach spaces and Banach algebras. We provide further results on the fractal convolution of operators, defined in the same reference, considering in this case the nonlinear operators. We prove that some properties of the initial maps are inherited by their convolutions, if some conditions on the elements of the associated iterated function system are satisfied. In the last section of the paper we use the invertibility criteria given before in order to obtain perturbed fractal spanning systems for quasi-normed Bochner spaces composed of Banach-valued integrable maps. These results can be applied to Lebesgue spaces of real valued functions as a particular case.
Fractal functions (primary),Collage theorem,invertibility of linear operators,fractal interpolation functions,fractals
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