Quark star matter in the color-flavor-locked state with a density-dependent quark mass model

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics(2024)

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Abstract The properties of strange quark matter (SQM) and color-flavor-locked (CFL) quark matter are investigated in quark stars at zero temperature case within confined-isospin-density-dependent-mass (CIDDM) model. The mass-radius relation of quark stars (QSs) are also studied by considering newly proposed mass-radius constraints in CFL phase. Our results indicate that we can obtain more stable and stiffer equation of state (EOS) by considering CFL phase within CIDDM model at zero temperature. While the GW190814’s secondary component with a mass around 2.6 M⊙ cannot be QSs within CIDDM model in SQM case, it can be well described as QSs by considering CFL phase within CIDDM model in this work. In particular, we further construct a density-dependent pairing energy gap to connect the EOS of SQM and CFL quark matter with constant pairing energy gap ∆, and the results indicate that by extending the paring energy gap to include density dependence, the mass-radius lines within CIDDM model can satisfy most of the mass-radius region constraints in recent pulsar observations.
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