NFT Marketplace: what are NFTs, and how does OpenSea succeed in acquiring the most of the NFT Space

Anil Thakur, K Divya,Sahil Verma, Maninder Kaur

2024 IEEE 1st Karachi Section Humanitarian Technology Conference (KHI-HTC)(2024)

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Nowadays, the world is becoming smarter, so as the technology, the new era is on the boom, which is blockchain because of its different use cases and benefits. The blockchain is a growing list of records called blocks that are linked together with the use of cryptography. Because all servers on a network are corresponding and a significant concern in the types of network style, its data sources are managed through a peer-to-peer (p2p) network. The servers engage in negotiation and communication through the agreement method. The dispersed network is a network system in which information, software application, and computer system programs are spread out on greater than one node (computer systems). These nodes also depend on each other. It is only a p2p network that gets rid of a solitary factor of failing. It is a decentralized, dispersed, and unalterable journal to show electronic purchases. One of the concepts of blockchain is NFTs. These are digital assets with a unique identity and cannot be replicated. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as in-game items, digital collectibles, or even to represent real-world assets like cars or houses. They can represent any digital asset or physical goods. NFTs can represent ownership and authenticity of any type of digital asset or physical goods. They can also represent a stake in the game, such as ownership in a casino or a share in a company.
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