Nonlinear model predictive control for trajectory-planning and tracking based on tilting technology to achieve vehicle obstacle avoidance

Jiajia Sun,Jialing Yao,Yunyi Jia, Feifan Yao,Wenku Shi


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High-speed autonomous vehicles can effectively improve the performance of obstacle-avoidance trajectory-planning and tracking control through integration with existing electronic control systems. However, relatively little research has been conducted in this field. This paper proposes a novel methodology of obstacle-avoidance trajectory-planning and tracking control based on active front-wheel steering integrated with tilting technology that can tilt the vehicle body toward the inside of the curve via active suspension when turning. The controller is designed using hierarchical control, in which the upper layer uses the point-mass vehicle model to design the trajectory-planning algorithm based on model predictive control. The lower layer uses the nonlinear vehicle model to design obstacle-avoidance tracking nonlinear model predictive control based on active steering integrated with tilt control. Then, the constrained nonlinear model predictive control problem is transformed into a constrained nonlinear programming problem, which is solved by sequential quadratic programming. Finally, simulations were performed using the CarSim/Simulink co-simulation platform. Two other hierarchical obstacle-avoidance tracking nonlinear model predictive controllers were designed as comparison objects. The simulation results show that the planning trajectory of the proposed integrated controller is closest to the obstacle. This controller effectively improves the vehicle obstacle-avoidance trajectory-tracking performance, handling stability, and maneuverability.
Autonomous vehicles,nonlinear model predictive control,trajectory-planning,tilting technology,CarSim/Simulink co-simulation
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