New Wormhole Solutions in Quadratic f(Q)-Gravity Regime


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Nowadays, alternative gravity is a crucial tool for addressing some enduring observational problems, such as the dark universe. Additionally, they can be used to advance the results of general relativity in astrophysics. Wormholes, or imagined passageways through spacetime, have the potential to revolutionize interstellar transport and cosmic interconnection. In the present work, the existence and characteristics of wormhole solutions in the context of the non-linear function of f(Q) gravity are investigated. A typical characteristic of maintaining wormholes is the presence of exotic stuff that defines the energy conditions (ECs). The authors looked at the ECs that must be met and analyzed how the f(Q) function affects the energy-momentum requirements for maintaining the wormholes open. For a comprehensive understanding of wormhole geometries, we also studied the embedding diagram and volume integral quantifier.
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embedding diagram,f(Q)- gravity,volume integral quantifier,wormhole geometry
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