Hunger in French Guiana, an endemic plague worsened by the health crisis


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In 2020, food shortages occurred at the beginning of the confinement period that was supposed to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. In French Guiana, where a major part of the population lives under the poverty line, health workers voiced major concerns. Alongside massive food aid distributions, a first transversal study was carried out in August 2020 targeting poor neighborhoods in Cayenne. The results were particularly worrying. More than 80% of households had been suffering from hunger during that month, with a median decrease of 46% in revenue. Two other investigations followed in February and then in August of 2021. With the relaxing of the health measures, the situation improved in the Cayenne region, but two out of three were still affected, showing signs of quantitative deficiencies and insufficient food diversity. The situation seemed particularly grave for children. In light of this situation, we propose to create an observatory of food insecurity in Guiana, while maintaining this topic as a health priority. In addition, the fight against food insecurity cannot be limited to multi-sectorial material and strategic aide. It must be thought about in a more global manner, including health and social questions, territorial management policies, access to land and water, access to rights and social inclusion. Targeted actions helping the most exposed and vulnerable people is also an important stake, independent of the administrative situation and residency rights of the concerned people.
Food insecurity,Deficiency,Covid-19,Malnutrition,Precariousness,Cross-sectional survey
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